Thursday 19 August 2021

Good Article - we need alternative options affordably to be fostered.


We have pro-rail alternatives which, if adopted now will help ease such land-use taking and guzzling issues. Planning must not be simply more for rail, but modal shift say 45% of M1 x other motorways and trunk roads within 9 years (2030) and what that requires (at very least our Bedford-Northampton-Market Harborough) links and GC corridor re-railed/plough through. 
Someone holding the Government to account on Reversing Beeching (can't just election time spin things like that when such an environmental and practical need to send more by rail and ease the road-based logistics pain), and delivery would be a something, but the Government in turn to enable others more to just 'get on with it'. We have Vivarail to supply recycled trains, we need a similar set up to purchase old trackbed, realignment spaces and provide track relaying services. Delegating delivery reduces Government fear of risk-cost thresholds and spreads the load more, but then organisations like EEH and TfN would have to get on with it than at best simply making cases and being lobbying vehicles 'of Government' once removed? Government Organised Non Governmental Organisations GONGOS is something floated about a few years ago. Ross-on-Wye needs re-railing. Borders Model proves it can work. 
I fear genuinely that dualling the A421 between Black Cat and Caxton (Bedford-Cambridge) will increase the volume of traffic and it will end up blocking junctions more and causing overload on the urban interfaces especially Cambridge. The system is not working, it is not delivering and cost is a factor which means opting for a better pro rail solution. ERTA remains open to work with anyone or organisation to progress these sorts of issues more. Time is not on our side and only Grant Shapps both giving go ahead and reforming the system to enable more can make it better. 
The tilt towards roads rather than local rail must also be equalised or tilted in rails favour. On Bedford-Northampton, tough decisions need to be made now, including ploughing through a wodge of £500, 000 upwards developments or a brand new route further north. In 10 years, ploughing through will be the only option in many cases particularly at urban junctioning interfaces and main line station access for many will be built on. Guildford-Shoreham direct is needed with a south to west curve at Shoreham being looked into for optimising passenger (Brighton) and non-deep-sea freight (from the west and port landed also). The point is these principles ripple and repeat scenario elsewhere nationwide. We do local, export best practise global potentially.
We need all weather-proof campaigning as there's never a good time, just as Churchill said 'blood, sweat, toil and tears' or something like that - ardur v endeavour, the step forward is leadership in the right direction. Please work with ERTA and help swell our membership to boost potential. Otherwise electric or otherwise, it is carmageddon!
ERTA Events Page is progressively updated, please encourage others to give us support: Thanks.

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