Thursday 20 May 2021

Press Release ERTA Welcomes new initiative to part renationalise the British Rail System 20-05-21

20 May 2021

Press Release

ERTA Welcomes new initiative to part renationalise the British Rail System

ERTA welcomes the news of Government moves towards renationalisation of the railways under the umbrella title of Great British Railways. We very much hope this ‘new dawn’ lives up to that word ‘Great’ whereas a more honest title may have been British Rail or British Railways. We welcome the bringing together of train and track and maybe some better cohesion of the railways as a robust, environmentally friendly public transport system upon which to base the masse conveyance of people and goods. However, we want guarantees from the Secretary of State for Transport, Rt. Hon Grant Shapps MP that the following will be built-in to the new organisations’ ethos, goals and fabric:

1. That the Rail Reopenings Fund is not a one-off but renewed with fresh annual funding allocations and a rolling programme fostered. In particular, signalling a change from road to rails more in environmental terms will mean reducing the new roads budget of £27 billion to boost the rail reopenings budget from a mere £500 million to parity at very least to indicate a wish to transfer more traffic to the rails.

2. That walk-on, walk-off access and services to the general public will be retained and boosted with better streamlines, concessionary fares, cards and flexible approaches to ticketing and reasonable expectations of ratios of seats to passengers per train and an end to overcrowding.

3. There will be a line-born freight plan to nurture modal shift from road to rail from parcels click, collect and send at stations over 10, 000 populations to recycling by rail, block trains and pallets, parcels and post by rail more.

4. That Concessionary bus and rail passes will be nationwide and homogenised and broadened for lifestyle choices and mobility as a right, not a cost-managed exercise.

5. That design of trains will include more capacity for bikes, luggage, small consignments as well as information hard copy as well as technologically communicated.

ERTA welcomes the initiative, but will be concerned that the fine detail, timely delivery and greater cohesion for apprehension by the public with a duty of care including good on/off rail toilet provision is benchmarked for accountability on standards and passenger’s rights, rather than mere aesthetic tick-boxing of political correctness.

End of Press Release


1. Useful source:

2. Further comment: Mr Richard Pill, ERTA Chairman and Media Spokesperson 01234 330090/

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