Thursday 11 February 2021

ERTA Calls for support for a new station on the Bedford-Bletchley rail line to serve a growing catchment.

ERTA Calls for support for a new station on the Bedford-Bletchley rail line to serve a growing catchment.

 The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) is a voluntary association made up of members of the public who aspire to see better and more accessible public transport for all. We advocate the reopening and rebuilding of select rail links across the regions although or organisational origins are from Bedford and surrounds.

 The Retail Park at Kempston has long been a popular shopping destination but despite a local rail link running alongside, no station has ever been provided. ERTA believes it is high time such a station was provided and sees the Retail Park, Kempston Town and a wider catchment as benefitting from were it provided.

 ERTA Bedford area rep said “The ERTA have produced a mini report to get a debate and potential support thinking around what a new station may offer. It is not the final word, but hopefully the owners of the Retail Park will see it as a good proposition bringing many more shoppers from a wider catchment and enabling diverse audiences to the location.”

 Free pdf colour versions can be emailed out on request to

We want the councils to take an interest. To work with the owners of the site and jointly fund a study with bids to Government Grants which exist for this type of project. The study could make the case. Take an interest, there may be something in it for everyone - a good new story. Meanwhile, please write in support of the station to: 1. Cllr Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough Council: 2. Our local Bedford and Kempston Constituency MP Mr Mohammad Yasin: They need to hear people support and want the rail station on the Bedford-Bletchley Railway with footbridge serving both the Retail Park, Kempston Town and surrounding areas of South Bedford.

Please bother, make an effort and get these outlets working for people, places and communities more. 3. Join ERTA and offer to help us. Only by a growing membership can we purport to represent the public more. Please see our website page and follow the links!

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