Thursday 7 January 2021

ERTA 2021 Winter-Spring Events Page Information 'all welcome/open to all'


The ERTA is organising a series of events on Zoom this Winter and Spring and welcome your support and interest and potential joining and engagement. We face 2 things happening at once. On the one hand a slow-down due to the Pandemic and Lock-Down and on the other, the need to be better prepared for unlock and recovery to a 'new normal'; whereby we balance economic activity with adequate infrastructure to inform modal shift from road to rail more, cut congestion, emissions and balance prosperity with environment the two not being opposed per se, but harmoniously fundamental for well-being.

I attach our latest newsletter and poster of a selection of events/email for newsletter or see:

You may wish to check our events page on our website: Please feel free to pass on to any interested others. Our events are open to all and all are welcome to get involved. 

This news story shows that if we don't invest in the rail reopenings like Northampton-Market Harborough in this case, but elsewhere other rail links likewise, we throw by default to more roads, more congestion, more pollution and land lost. Choices present themselves and we need to get it right and ensure a local to regional rail network 'fit for purpose', able to serve customers from small loads/parcels to large loads/block trains of goods and all in-between. Government has a pivotal role to play, but we can all do our bit at a local level to nudge right policies and practises and have values which put people, places and the environment before things and vested interests. The re-railing of the Great Central Corridor is crucial to create capacity on the West Coast Main Line as well as more east-west rails to enable more connectivity including better access between M25/Hertfordshire/radial north-south rail links and places like Stansted, Essex Coast and vice versa to Watford and via the Croxley Link to Aylesbury for example. Northampton-Market Harborough deals with the eastern flank of the M1, Great Central the western flank approaches to Leicester.

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