Wednesday 30 September 2020

ERTA Calls for the old Bedford St John's Station Site to be used for railway purposes.

With your kind indulgence, I attach our latest brochure extolling the virtues of saving the old Bedford St John's Station Site for railway purposes. It is the last stub access route for any future Bedford urban centre to Cambridge route and if we allow it to default to housing in-fill, we block it off and render the northern route or bust. A number of engineers I've spoken to have told me they are unimpressed with the northern route for east-west rail and it is time to think again. 

The issues are complex, but suffice to say, more positively our pamphlet puts forward that the old site and indeed reclaiming down to Cardington Road perimeter fence, would enable 2 good 12 coach sidings for capacity and other interim rail purposes with good and plentiful access from both a Leicester-Bedford direction and ultimately Oxford-Bedford. Ideal for waitover, freight, washer plant or a diversity of rail uses, keeping that rail corridor access 'open'. I appreciate our politicians come under a lot of pressure and the Government seems lack-lustre on fine detail predicated on more of what it says and we wish for 'Reversing Beeching'. We need to see rail land used for rail related purposes. If we get rid of adjacent lands, expanded parking for rail users will be limited and that cascades across the urban cordon.

Meanwhile south of the river, we still call for a station at the Retail Park at Kempston, currently a 20 minute drive to Bedford Midland because of the congestion and many would be tempted to hit the A421 Bypass and drive east or west accordingly. What does it cost our council to apply for the Reopenings Fund the Government has set up and look at it. 2001 Study indicated 100 extra off peak rail users should the station be built, so 20 years later, one would expect an increase, shoring up buoyant rail usership, the life-blood prelude to justify more investment surely? It's good for the Retail Park, it is good for Kempston Town, it is good for wider south-of-river audiences and it is good for the local Bedford-Bletchley services. The owners even said they would be willing to contribute to a study, it just needs leadership, direction and determination to take it on and our Mayor Dave has experience given his forthright support for the Bedford Riverside North Development, which until lock-down was a relative success and better rail links and services, passenger and freight is just the ticket for more sustainable jobs and services giving the area a competitive edge.

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