Thursday 2 April 2020

Bedford-Northampton Rail Link coverage

Bedford-Northampton Rail Link coverage

The April 2020 edition of The Railway Magazine page 38 has an article on Bedford-Northampton rail link for your kind perusal. It does show that the spade work is with Local Authorities and what will it take? In 1987-1994 we had exactly the same issue then over rails east of Bedford 'no case, therefore no need to protect' was the gist and taken another way 'no need to protect, as no business case and therefore no need to study (to see if one can exist!)' Brackets mine. How do we break the log-jam? I welcome ideas, comments and suggestions please. I know that I am unfortunate on local councils whereby they seem to bypass, ignore or do exact opposite - whether in the public interest is a matter of debate. A lesson may be that rather than look at blockages, look at possibility scenarios. Yes, exact Bedford-Sandy is ruled out now, with focus being on Tempsford instead, but they found a way round the blockages and so new railway interpretations like cracking the Olney proverbial nut, is what we would expect a study to consider just as the EWRC et al have done on Bedford-Cambridge. We need partners to take the campaign forward. Current situations apart. I think the man who interviewed me has given it a fair spread and we thank him for his engagement with us.

On the issue of trackbeds and preservation versus reopening for regular Network Rail style lines goes; I can't see why you could not have a twin track solution - one bi-di signnalled at speed for NR rail and the other preservation with perimeter fencing as usual between the two. Indeed if in open lands, could a third track to make the NR one double just be a matter of broadening the trackbed with suitable landscaping and drainage? Northampton-Market Harborough could be a case in point, and we are aware of elsewhere where such measures need evaluation like Guildford/Sandford-Cranleigh for example and beyond.

Please give your support: e. /

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