Monday 9 September 2019

Press Release: Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham Rail Reopenings Group, 2pm Saturday 7th September 2019 at the Unitarian Church Hall, adjacent to Bus Station, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH121SL

09 September 2019
Press Release

Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham Rail Reopenings Group, 2pm Saturday 7th September 2019 at the Unitarian Church Hall, adjacent to Bus Station, Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH121SL

Some 20 people attended the ERTA public meeting and most seemed supportive of the bid to progress the chances of rebuilding the former rail link between Guildford-Horsham and Shoreham with modest realignments where blockages may exist. Discussion centred on how to take it forward and the Executive Committee of the ERTA would be looking at the next steps. Clearly getting local authorities on board was crucial and them then seeking to pool time and talent to inform studies to work up the business and other cases. It all costs money and campaigners are tasked with planting ideas and pointing to the obvious merits in pursuit of the rebuild.

Spokesperson Richard Pill said after the meeting “People are rightly concerned that development across the location is going in without any new rail infrastructure. The impact of this deficit is to send more traffic to already congested roads fuelling demand for greater land take of road upgrading. What we need is for Westminster to support a rolling programme of railway reopenings and rebuilds to give people more choice of transport and enable more options for courting work and mobility for the benefit of all.”

Next meeting will be in Guildford on 5th October at a venue yet to be announced. Enquiries welcome.

End Press Release

Further comment: Mr Richard Pill ERTA Media Spokesperson 01234 330090 /

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