Wednesday 7 August 2019

Consultations Galore!

This consultation by the English Economic Heartlands is critical to get right as transport affects us all directly and indirectly from congestion to space for parking, to choice to air pollution and much more locked-in or out. Please peruse the document and give them your feedback. In particular from ERTA's perspective we very much want support for a Bedford-Sandy-Cambridge rail route to be looked at, especially the origional route for all the reasons given in our Cambridge Press Release sent yesterday and more please. No route is cost or problem free and so far no golden nugget has emerged which will please everyone. But the rail link is crucial as is Bedford-Northampton - plugging Northampton into Bedford for onwards to Cambridge and vice versa East Anglia to the West Midlands via the sub region of South Midlands!

Please have a perusal and respond. Any questions, I may not have all the answers, but happy to discuss and I do try and be helpful. Thank you.

You may also find this of interest advocating rail schemes:

Next newsletter should be out around 1st September. All events to tap into on our web page:

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