Wednesday 12 June 2019

ERTA Response to Government Climate Change Targets of 2050

12 June 2019
Press Release

ERTA welcomes the new government targets but believes whilst we need global agreement and reductions commensurate to reducing emissions and pollution, it is still too little, too late. Moreover, it fails to see the terrible congestion across the English Regions which bedevils industry and communities as a whole in time, fuel and cost waste on a daily basis. It fails to take account that this state of affairs is a direct result of previous government actions and policies switching in the post war period from rail to road with mass closures of railways and building new roads often on top of them.

Any observation of the M1 for example at Junction 14 shows going north and south indicates approximately 50% of the traffic is juggernaut lorries ploughing it and the same with the A14 from Felixstowe. HS2 will not cater for freight at £56 billion and existing tracks are at capacity. The M1 and A14 meet at Lutterworth with M6 taking the exact same ratios of traffic to the West Midlands and the M1 to the East Midlands. There is no east-west rail for 100 miles north of London, we are currently sending container trains from Felixstowe into, across and out of London via the West Coast Main Line which is one of the busiest lines in Europe. These trains take paths which other passenger and other freight by rail could utilise, if we rectify the lack of an east-west rail and design it to cater for freight from day one. Just 50 miles of rebuild would enable that from Cambridge-Bedford-Northampton. Yes, realignments are needed where blockages exist, but it has to be done if we are to decongest our roads, cut emissions, cut waste and free up existing railway capacity.

ERTA calls for Government to commit to a rolling programme of rail reopenings and rebuilds across the English Regions and new builds between Luton and Northampton and Rugby-Narborough via the M1 corridors of conventional rails, plugging missing gaps and giving modal shift a real chance.

End of Press Release

Further comment: Mr Richard Pill T. 01234 330090 and E.

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