Wednesday 12 June 2019

ERTA Response to Government Climate Change Targets of 2050

12 June 2019
Press Release

ERTA welcomes the new government targets but believes whilst we need global agreement and reductions commensurate to reducing emissions and pollution, it is still too little, too late. Moreover, it fails to see the terrible congestion across the English Regions which bedevils industry and communities as a whole in time, fuel and cost waste on a daily basis. It fails to take account that this state of affairs is a direct result of previous government actions and policies switching in the post war period from rail to road with mass closures of railways and building new roads often on top of them.

Any observation of the M1 for example at Junction 14 shows going north and south indicates approximately 50% of the traffic is juggernaut lorries ploughing it and the same with the A14 from Felixstowe. HS2 will not cater for freight at £56 billion and existing tracks are at capacity. The M1 and A14 meet at Lutterworth with M6 taking the exact same ratios of traffic to the West Midlands and the M1 to the East Midlands. There is no east-west rail for 100 miles north of London, we are currently sending container trains from Felixstowe into, across and out of London via the West Coast Main Line which is one of the busiest lines in Europe. These trains take paths which other passenger and other freight by rail could utilise, if we rectify the lack of an east-west rail and design it to cater for freight from day one. Just 50 miles of rebuild would enable that from Cambridge-Bedford-Northampton. Yes, realignments are needed where blockages exist, but it has to be done if we are to decongest our roads, cut emissions, cut waste and free up existing railway capacity.

ERTA calls for Government to commit to a rolling programme of rail reopenings and rebuilds across the English Regions and new builds between Luton and Northampton and Rugby-Narborough via the M1 corridors of conventional rails, plugging missing gaps and giving modal shift a real chance.

End of Press Release

Further comment: Mr Richard Pill T. 01234 330090 and E.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

London Calling!

Here is a principal proposition for alleviating the East London/West Essex area by inserting more and better rail links to intercept with stations, key road arteries.
If you support the idea, please join ERTA: If you want to join our free, no obligation email loop, please send to Thanks.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

East-West Rail - getting the Bedford, Blunham, Sandy and Cambridge right

The Trajectory of old railway can be ascertained and Steer Davis Gleave 1997 went north of this 2004 data and was an 'S' on it's sides looping round to south Blunham. If since 2004 data more encroachment has occurred - depending on what it is, whether the feasibility of curves has been compromised is debatable at this stage. Thus the option of Tempsford to Thurleigh/Milton Ernest and through Bedford Midland (serving Bedford) and out via St John's 1984 makes some sense, even though more expensive and not a panacea for avoiding the need to compulsory purchase, deviate and realign and of course the cost. Options which avoid Bedford Midland altogether or involve slewing the Bedford-Bletchley line to Wixams alias Bedford South must be opposed rigorously, it is sheer fantasy to think that Midland Main Line which already has trains waiting south of Kempston Road Bridge for a path into Bedford Midland would welcome more trains, slower trains and varied configured trains adding to the problem of capacity into and out of Bedford Midland Station. Therefore coming into Bedford from the west via St John's 1984 Halt makes sense to keep capacity options open for passenger and freight hopefully. Getting through Bedford Midland will be a challenge on current twin track for everything capacity and remodelling the tracks, platforms and so forth should be looked at, not just a relocated train shed and mere aesthetics which hide a multitude of sins very often! Who will give thought to this, who will take up the baton? We at very least should be loathed to give up railway lands to road development before these matters of layout and access are settled. The consultation earlier this year on routes should have included the old route - to gauge public opinion objectively not sway it to false premises of 'new dawns' which are yet to be worked up to a real route and list of what compulsory purchases and compensation will be required to contrast with the issues of the old route - to make an objective comparison. Yes, Cardington Road, Priory Marina entrance, Willington, Blunham and north of Sandy curvatures need a new assessment, but to discard it currently before the alternative and there can be only one if we are to serve Bedford Midland, must be looked at. ERTA will continue to call for these things to be considered and highlight sailent points. Thanks. Sandy-Bassingbourn-Shepreth hangs on whether you intrude on Wimpole Hall lands and can access the Hitchin-Royston line at Shepreth. Again segregation until Cambridge has benefits in able to take and do more passenger and freight by rail. But principal issues are a need to bypass Potton and Gamlingay to the south perimeter, realign using adjacent lands, raise M11 with under bridge, bridge River Cam and tunnel under Trumpington Meadows/Park and Ride and getting rid of single line on old trackbed Guided Busway. Linking passenger-wise with the new Cambridge South for Addenbrooke's and direct running into Stansted on the one hand, restoring the old Trumpington Junction for access to Cambridge, before or after Long Road Bridges, needs examination. Overloading Shepreth Junction, triple railways on a flat level junction and just 3 tracks is a recipe for chaos, so Mayors of Bedford and Cambridge need to compare notes and help each other get a better deal. It needs over-arcing leadership and debate. Sadly we have bubbles of parochial interest and scoping and media reflects the reporting of that rather than regional and inter-regional aspects and the pros and cons x whosoever is purporting whatever including professionals and Government.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
ERTA Officer.

Monday 3 June 2019

Media Coverage for Guildford-Horsham Rebuild

ERTA gets media coverage and well deserved. We want to get our message across and encourage and nurture local support upwards. 

Ultimately we need people to:

1. Write to their local MP's c/o House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA and request a rolling programme of local, conventional line reopenings and rebuilds like Guildford-Horsham and for that programme to be normalised:

2. Join ERTA - a growing membership shows we represent a body of opinion and gives us more clout where it counts:

3. Contact our coordinator and come to the forums and get involve positively: T. 0208 940 4399, E.

Please help us help you. The reopening would enable so much more options for people and communities and underrscore public transport fit for the 21st Century.