Tuesday 15 January 2019

Support the ERTA Great Central Revival Plan

14 January 2018
Press Release

The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) is a voluntary based pro public transport membership association and membership and support is open to all. We are aware that capacity on existing north-south rail lines is reaching a critical point of constraint and motorways like M1 and M40 for example are often clogging up with long delays which costs us all. Therefore, we believe something extra is needed. Birmingham may get HS2 but Coventry and Rugby – what do they get? We can’t turn the clock back, like our Victorian ancestors we need to start with a blank sheet and work out what can reasonably be done and recovered for reviving the rail corridor dormant between Leicester (Narborough) – Rugby-Calvert where the new railway would link into lines to Oxford via Bicester and beyond and also lines to Aylesbury and beyond to Heathrow and Guildford for example. This could be useful for more passengers and freight to go by rail and Rugby stands to gain.

ERTA has produced a report which seeks to acts as an appetiser, putting the outline of what we think may be possible and courting backers in the business and other community to come together and support it where possible, either hard copy or pdf downloads on our excellent sales page on our website: https://ertarail.com/sales/  ERTA hopes to facilitate meetings in Rugby and elsewhere over this year and welcomes support. Our email loop for interested persons is richard.erta@gmail.com

End Press Release

Further contact or comment: Mr Richard Pill 01234 330090 or richard.erta@gmail.com

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