Sunday 9 December 2018

Help Save the Woodhead Line from National Grid power-line intrusions

Our delegated Executive Committee Member Mr Tony Bush gave the following report to a meeting near Sheffield recently:

Contact for further support and liaison:

Please write to your MP c/o House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA and urge them to support reopening the Woodhead Railway as a matter of urgency and to call National Grid's plan in for further scrutiny and seek alternative solutions so that the integrity of the railway route is retained for future rail reopening use for passenger and freight - taking traffic off local roads, cutting congestion, lowering emissions and giving people fast choices which cost a fraction of HS3 for example. Woodhead is not just an isolated piece of railway but would link Hull/Sheffield with Manchester/Liverpool as a North Sea-Atlantic 'land bridge' helping UK be competitive on timings, transport and logistics, cutting costs and ensuring speedy deliveries. 

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