Sunday 14 October 2018

Musings on global to local in action terms to tackle climate change and air pollution

12 years left to avert climate change! That is the dramatic picture painted by teams of climate change researchers and scientific scrutiny. Yet the reality is that it coincides with reports of catastrophic consequences impacting lives and communities of air pollution from congestion, emissions and from Sulphur and Nitrogen-Dioxides to particles from chemical spraying, braking and rubber. Taking the long-term view, we can see the closures locked into our whole way of doing things to roads for majority of passenger and goods mobility; globalism has boosted aviation to a top strata of masse usage/demand. As far as land-based transport goes – a key element is a rolling programme of local line rebuilds/reopenings/new builds for passenger and freight with start up capital funds by Government indicating leadership for modal shift through more choice and capacity, which would be a step in the right direction. Our ERTA Reopenings Pamphlet – available off our website – calls for a modest 33 such schemes to be considered for the English Regions; Wales and Scotland have their own already. If the principal road artery between London and Birmingham along the M1 and M6 is 25mph due to volume/capacity, a railway at 125mph seems quite fast enough to be competitive on time, if not price? So why are we wasting £100 billion + on HS2 which cannot even cater for freight whereas a partial rebuilt Great Central railway could? Government stalls on the announcement for a preferred route for a Bedford-Cambridge rail link, which means a ribbon could be cut for opening in 12 years’ time when it will be too little, too late and many areas will still be locked into road reliance. What of technology turning our planes and shipping ‘greener’ using renewable energy? Sounds far off and many are insistent that time is critical. ERTA continues to sow seeds and interject ideas, but relies on the public to yes vote with their feet where they can like walking, cycling, using bus and train, but also joining and giving of their time to help usher our projects along. In short there is something we can all do, without costing the earth! If Government cannot determine the direction and rolling out of schemes like Bedford-Cambridge, the strategic infrastructure for accommodating growth and denting trends to damaging effects, then there is intransigence at play. The old route was the most direct route. Some needs modest deviations but end to end it should be recoverable if we get on with directing intent of purpose and actions commensurate now. Alternative routes are National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) direct line via Wixams to Shepreth which avoids Bedford or another idea which is a South Cambs ‘no railway here’ back door suggestion to have a railway well away from Gamlingay and surrounds. Leadership is required, not paralysis and when route is finalised/published, then consultation, then Inquiry and Transport and Works Act, a 12-year delivery period seems about right! It should never have been closed by stealth by Government and local areas should be compensated for the subsequent damage its absence has informed beit road congestion and costs or pollution, health and quality of life erosion.
Further reading and sources:

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