Sunday 7 January 2018

Re-Rail Northamptonshire! Wasting Money on Whitewash Reports which fail to grasp the nettle of what's needed - re-railing!

Reports which fail to grasp the nettle of what's needed - re-railing!

If the objectives of the Report January 2013 'Rail Strategy - Fit for Purpose' is to have any credence and substance that must incorporate route protection, recovery and a rail reopenings agenda surely? County lies east-west arcingly sandwiched between the London Southeast/Eastern Regions and East and West Midlands. The rail lines are all north-south through the county without any linking east-west lines which is perverse and absurd, made more by the fact this report seems dismissive of such an aspiration or at least as long as undefined 'others' pay for it, hiding behind an undefined 'commercial business case' as the pre-requisite to entertaining, but widening congested roads, building new roads and adding more congestion and parking/land use allocation and cost managing capacity seems fair cop, rather than solutions through choice of mode. People and communities need their rail links back, especially radial of the County Town and ERTA calls for just that progressively, starting now in aspiration mode and delivery over a 20-year period. Otherwise it is bust and hollow rhetoric and whitewash. If any want a pdf copy please email and let me have any feedback or join ERTA and fight for rail's return and be part of the answer to the silent deficit:

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