Thursday, 11 May 2017

Get Bedford Moving Flyer

The Daily Reality!
Picture above shows cars parked on the former Bedford-Hitchin railway trackbed and sidings sits the Bedford Hospital extended car park. This sea of cars x many car parks shows that we are clearly a nation wedded to the car for short and longer journeys. Whilst lines like Marston Vale (Bedford-Bletchley) may not be able to offer a switch, they can increase their market share. We have concerns that the East-West Rail is abandoning Rails East of Bedford via the old St John's and with development all the way along the line gradually eroding routes and realignment options, the plan for housing on the old St John's is a telling tale of woe, with Bedford being an addendum to Milton Keynes and the weakest link sadly. What this means is that as growth proliferates more traffic abounds demanding land for more parking, land which cannot be used for jobs or housing or indeed saving the countryside. Congestion emits harmful exhaust nitro and sulphur dioxide and it is not just London, it is a nationwide problem. The closures 50 years ago went too far, roads and rails are at capacity and how little beyond HS2 and the current air pollution climate case forcing the Government's hands, is public transport featuring in the current media and political debates at all levels. Yet transport and pollution affects all our lives and communities and is vital to get it right.
Join the
‘Get Bedford Moving Campaign’
part of the English Regional Transport Association (ERTA)
Local Contact: Membership Secretary and Bedford Area Rep: Mr Richard Pill (2015) 24c St Michael’s Road, Bedford, MK402LT E. T. 01234 330090
ERTA on Google Plus/ERTA Voluntary Organisation: Blogspot: Website:
Patrons: We welcome offers from qualified, well-connected and sympathetic individuals.
~ Making a contribution towards retention and improvement in better public transport. ~
English Regional Transport Association (ERTA)
~ A voluntary unincorporated membership based association seeking to restore strategic missing rail links and
improve the environment as a result. ~
Would you like to see (tick) …?
1. More and better rail links and services to a diversity of places? 
2. A rail link between Bedford and East Anglia? 
3. A Bedford-Northampton rail link? 
4. A Station at the Retail Park, Kempston with footbridge/cycle way over the railway line? 
5. Bus services reinstated to Black Tom, Tavistock Street, High Street and Prebend Street? 
6. Segregated cycle-pedestrian rights of way for safe walking and cycling off roads and pavements? 
7. Pedestrianisation (or partial) of the High Street and Midland Road (West) to create a safer, hassle free and more spacious shopping environment? 
If ‘yes’ then please join the English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) – a pro public transport voice for everyone!
1.  We have local meetings in the Bedford area on a regular basis
2.  We have delegated meetings with key officials and players to try and persuade them to take an interest in our campaign calls.
3.  The more local members we can recruit, the stronger our voice and the more powers that be may take notice and adopt our calls into their official policies and plans.
4.  All members get a newsletter and opportunities to get involved as volunteers – gain experience, add to your CV, meet new people and enjoy networking opportunities.
With your help, we can all make a difference and choose between a gridlocked, polluted air urban landscape or a town whereby people come by public transport, leave their cars at home and enjoy clean air and pleasant open spaces free of having to look over your shoulders!
__Fill In, Tear Off and Send with Your Subscription. Please help us recruit more members! __
Tick if a New Member: _____ Tick if renewing as an existing member: _____
Membership of ERTA costs £10 per annum. I/We wish to join _______
Name: __________________________ Address: ___________________________________________
Postcode: _______________ Tel/Mobile: __________________
Signed: ______________________ Dated: ____________________
Please send completed form to ERTA Membership:
ERTA, 24c St Michael’s Road, Bedford, MK40 2LT (01234 330090) E.

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