Thursday 2 March 2017

Save a rail route around Olney, Bucks., UK

Save a rail route around Olney, Bucks., UK

February 2017

Dear Members,

Olney Neighbourhood Plan. With this letter is a blank pro-forma letter which you can fill in and send by 5pm on Wednesday 8 March, 2017 to: 

Development Plans Team
Milton Keynes Council
Civic Offices
1 Saxon Gate East
Central Milton Keynes

These plans seek to destroy ‘in the name of expansion’ the Handley Alignment which in 2001 our consultant draw to indicate how a new rail alignment could be implemented with reference to walking and cycling distances of Olney High Street. Now if these developments go ahead, it will be scuppered. Matching the eastern approach old trackbed to western is problematic and as building northwards takes hold, will increasingly become so, unless some big player at some future date does compulsory purchases and implements a new rail through built terrain or a new alignment railway bypasses Olney, which means Olney will be disenfranchised from a new railway. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to work with us but are choosing to ignore the railway as ‘pie in the sky’. You can find more information on the Milton Keynes Council website:

Meanwhile we are seeking a new team of people to look with fresh eyes on Northampton-Bedford and by whatever means, to seek reopening beit preservation, community rail or conventional modern rails, to get a foothold and move out from there. Too much is at stake to abandon the railway, as No. 41 bus now winds through Biddenham and Bromham villages meaning a longer journey duration, off-putting and detrimental to commuting, work and visiting opportunities. Dualling the A428 will create brownfield for development, but where will those commuters drive to catch a train? Bedford and Milton Keynes, informing demand for massive parking provision. The conflict is inherent in the design plan. Ill thought out, opportunistic, call it what we may, short-termism is the name of the game. We have to think medium term even as we hand over to a new generation who hopefully will take up the baton for this strategic link. We lack the resources, bigger fry needs to be involved like the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) but the danger with quangos is that they get lost in bureaucracy, bigger projects or the politics rather than delivery of small to medium sized projects which could revolutionise local public transport, mobility and rejuvenate town centres. Out of town sink estates beit for jobs, housing and education are mopping up the numbers game, but at what cost to town centres, the environment and real wealth creation than whittling down fossil fuel reliance and geo-politics and wars to procure them? This is what the media ignore opting for focus’ on President Trump which although entertaining is somewhat ‘out there’ and takes away focus’ on the closer to home issues beit NHS crisis’, gridlock and bad air pollution to our focus’ of remedial actions to reduce and prevent these nasties from exacerbation.

Good news is that our association is growing and we hope to grow our team to ensure more fronts can be worked on as the old phrase goes “neither be too heavenly minded to be any earthly good nor too earthly entrenched to keep a heavenly vision”. Action starts with individuals. It is the case some have more time than others, others more money than time. It is often the odd hour stashed there and the odd donation given there which we both can capitalise on and produces best results all things being considered. Everyone can play a role and give support. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill

ERTA Principal Officer.

For further information and who to write to:

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