Sunday 19 February 2017

Oxford-Cambridge Super Highway Con
Austerity to Political Settlement to Despair?

Dear All,

The Government is giving mixed messages. On the one hand it says it wants East-West Rail and the allocation of money in the Chancellor's Statement was followed by a statement by Rt. Hon. Chris Graying M.P. Secretary of State for a new company to be set up to deliver Oxford-Cambridge rail link. How that will rub along with the East-West Consortium and Chiltern Railways who have 'evergreen' railway delivery capability built into their 'unique' 20 year Franchise is far from clear. 

But considering our Councils have gone on record in local papers bemoaning austerity, cuts to services, holes in budgets, community care calls and much more, surely the allocation/sudden finding of £3.5 billion for an exact same axis Oxford-Cambridge super highway beggars credulity and yet that is the done deal "if you want the railway, you must have a new road thrust upon you" and everyone in the room signs up without any spoken thought of objection - we have roads, they are busy, accident prone and congested and we need the rejuvenating, capacity creating rail alternative which has been denied in 50 years of growth (closure 1967- current 2017).

Here's the story from an Oxfordshire perspective rolling out across the Oxbridge arc. It will inform massive development brownfield land creation and take, diminish the rural character and deliver hoards of traffic trying to enter urban areas which lack the land space without de-characterising demolition and widening urban highways at detriment to aestheics and pedestrian/cyclists and which will bung up junctions at M40, M1 and A1 accordingly. The new roundabout at Black Cat Roundabout although doubled, still has long tail backs. All this growth just spirals with bypasses of bypasses to accommodate it at any cost whilst people lie on trolleys and die in hospitals for want of more cash.
Clearly the clinical demand we must have a new road is made by people who are not attuned to compassion or a sense of proportion and balance and if roads only has not worked - many towns suffer from closed shop syndrome and offices above not filled whilst we have a housing and homeless crisis - shows we're not doing joined up-ness and there's a whole house burnt out just off the roundabout at Roff Avenue/Clapham Road Bedford opposite the North End Club which has been redundant for years - no money, overlooked or lack of potential realisation - the result is disparity.

New £3.5bn Oxford-Cambridge Expressway route could pass through protected Green Belt
New £3.5bn Oxford-Cambridge Expressway route could pass through protected G...
HIGHWAY bosses are set to recommend a new £3.5bn expressway passes south of Oxford through protected Green Belt ...

Please vote with your feet and support our events.

As Nick Ross used to say "don't have nightmares!"

Yours sincerely,

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