Monday 15 August 2016

Battle for the rail link and soul of Olney!

Battle for the rail link and soul of Olney!

The Planning Application south side of Lavendon Road, Olney for development has gone to appeal. This is due to take place on 23rd August 2016 at Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices. I've never done a quasi public inquiry solo before. All I can say is what I've said before, namely that the land should be retained and is required for a station, a railway and commuter all day parking and until such times as that is the case, the land should be a pastoral green belt and retained in the farming tradition as such. Otherwise I consider this development will reignite more and that will put pay to the prospect of a railway ever serving Olney in our lifetimes.…/applicationDet… And Planning Inspectorate Website ref: APP/Y0435/W/16/3147906 for further information. This and the threat of a link road taking the trackbed at Northampton could mean in a few months from now, we either redouble efforts for reopening the line or take a step back and leave it in yes, God's hands prayerfully and literally! End of the day more awakened support and interest from Olney people and town council could make or break these things, likewise Northamptonians respectively. It has to be a push from Northampton to Bedford to happen as Bedford, well connected to London looks south politically and sub-terraneously culture-wise.
People who wish to get involved, here's the Gateway:

Scenes around the trackbed near Olney: Help us save the old trackbed now + adequate spaces for realignment where current blockages exist and for station, bus interchange and all day commuter parking in the vent of a local rail reopening: Birmingham - Cambridge 'South Midlands Link' via Northampton and Bedford and Thameslink extension Luton Airport-Northampton 'Plane to Brain'!

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