Monday 27 May 2024

Essential Reading to be equipped for deficit infrastructure agendas


This report shows a shortfall in transport infrastructure spending and we should take note that across the board infrastructure is coming up the agenda of what is fundamental to civilised existence (water for example) but environmentally, land use wise and that of cutting emissions, it is more and better rail infrastructure where the deficit is felt. Modal shift in many cases cannot happen without reopening programmes of real local lines and associated infrastructure projects to enable small to large modal shift transfer of freight and people travel patterns from road to rail. 

In Bedford, it is East-West Rail which dominates, but is sluggish in progress regarding accessing Bedford and notions of rails to the East which needs proper leadership with a discernment and based on sound local knowledge.
BRTA has said what it feels is best, we have offered to look at maps of Bedford Midland layout and discuss what could be rearranged to enable a twin bay additional infrastructure for Oxford-Cambridge passenger operations and two twin track access to existing Midland Main Line slows for freight. Ford End Road Bridge may be listed, but is a problem for enabling optimum rail redesign and 8 coach platforms for example. In our view, the station booking hall should go back to the old station site, looking down Midland Road towards the town centre, not an urban Parkway design, in the middle facing a housing estate! Likewise, we want attention for Stations North of Bedford, and a way forward may be to direct Thameslink trains to serve Corby and focus EMR trains on a seamless Bedford-Leicester electric fast and slow service, windowing reopening of local stations and a shuttle to link into principal main line stations feeding to and from accordingly. Should one have 2-3 changes to get to Sheffield or Leeds from the Midland Main Line? We don't think that is optimising infrastructure!

So, we keep on, and lack of like the Northampton-Market Harborough deficit, should be being led on by paid, professional agencies and lead organisations from councils to government, with public input on how it may work, not NIMBYISM verus dire need. The stalemate cannot go on. So, head-in-sand is to reject local rail solutions like East-West Rail, but it has been handled badly, too remotely and East of Bedford via St John's should be the prescription with councils and leaders all on board. Get to link with ECML at Tempsford area first, then yes, the new ECML-Cambridge alignment, due to extensive blockages of the old varsity route from Sandy to Trumpington, is the way it has to be. The roads are being dualled, development is happening, so prudence calls for rail alternatives surely? That is where, of whatever shade, a new government will need to make a priority now, not 10 years time!

Please join BRTA and donate time and money to enable us to play a fuller role in these debates and movements for re-railing Britain.

Finally, the BRTA name has been accepted by the HSBC Bank, so make payments to that name now please. Likewise, our Corporate Membership is reduced to £50, so please affiliate/recommend us to others. We are also rolling out a Prize Draw, please make enquiries to David J. Start, our Treasurer to enter.