Wednesday 22 November 2023

Oxford-Witney Rail Reopening-New-Build Let's have it now!

re: Bring it on! Oxford-Witney rail reopening. Cheap at the price, given all the on-off rail benefits such may inform. ERTA has long called for it.

Now Lord Cameron alias 'Dave' has come back to Cabinet, maybe as a local he can be persuaded to advocate for this reopening: 
This terminal branch as such, is one of many likewise which would bring enormous social benefit to the people of Witney and surrounds by providing a rail alternative to the busy A40 and reduce congestion to and from Oxford along the corridors it would intersect. Elsewhere Croxley near Watford, Bridport, Padstow and many other coastal areas also need re-railing. 
Cannot do them all, but a top 10 in a decade would inform more all-year-round footfall and spend and help sustain jobs and the local economy. Please write to your MP and call on the Government to see this is a case of 'a stitch in time saves 9'! 
There are many who rubbish local rail reopenings, so-called 'professionals' amongst the mix. However, most rail reopenings have exceeded expectations and there's no reason why this and others similarly would not and saves road wear and tear too. 
Our railways are fixed assets and so medium-long term benefits grow as flows follow what transport is available. Please give us your support.
 Join ERTA and help make our voice stronger: Thank you.
Devon proves it... local rail reopenings are the way to go and investment should be made to be available to inform x nationwide more: