Monday 24 October 2022

ERTA Northern News 23-10-2022

Mr Chris Hyomes has kindly forwarded these pdf articles on what is happening in our Northern England areas. Others will be in future newsletters, which are filling fast. 

All enquiries via our Northern Area Rep: Mr Chris Hyomes, 10 Tythe Barn Road, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF11 9BU, E. T. 07971766207

Please feel free to visit our Northern Facebook Page: and offer support, joining ERTA is an excellent way to vote with feet and wallets! We support these and other local rail solutions to increase modal shift from road to rail. If you wish to help us, please do and be willing to assist, be reliable and proportionate to what you can realistically offer please. 

The next ERTA Newsletter will be out 2nd November. Thank you.

BTW, if anyone likes an excuse to visit the Northern Area and take some 'today' photos of the remaining route and features/landscape with word doc captions for us to use in a mini report we are doing on Woodhead, please do deliver freely to It has loads of text, but a few photos would help beef it up! Sooner we get them, quicker we can send the report out in the New Year. If wanted, you will be acknowledged and thanked for your contribution. Suggestions welcome as per any review of the report or appendix additions to bolt-on if you wish to have that submissions considered. I retain the right as editor whether to include, but with your permission, may put some on Blogspot or Facebook for digest by wider audiences as well.

Although I started my campaigning career with a threatened railway (Bedford-Bletchley) and got into restoring bits of it (East-West Rail), I have grown to consider that we need a nationwide plan for all sorts of different reasons to both get Britain moving and cut emissions at one and the same time. Rail is the answer to a chunk of transport and logistics needs and we do need more of the 'right type of railway' people and businesses can easily access and afford to engage with. Far from that currently, shambles is the word in some cases, yea many cases, but campaigning arms are essential to both highlight but also come up with solutions, ideas and suggestions to make things better. That may even include renationalisation but having more say to power of what and how we want our railways. 

Privatisation is argued to have been conceptually botched originally and has been a half-way house ever since. Profits going out of transport to shareholders and others, contrasted with spiralling prices, aggro in industrial relations and still Government finding £40 billion new roads and a mere £500 million for Rail Reopenings. HS2 is a different project and kind of railway and so, whether £100 billion or not, whatever the laudations or disbenefits, not ERTA's focus or endeavour, rather local rail links for local people and goods by rail is our focus. Some in ERTA love HS2, others have reservations as per Brexit! So our stance is neutral as an association. Suffice to say, if we had Woodhead reopened, would we really need HS3?

Any new administration of whatever colour, will need ready answers and give leadership and direction. One answer is not to find new money, but follow the environmental call for a more sustainable platform for transport and tweak money allocated to new roads to reopening local railways instead. That cuts emissions, that saves land, that is good for efficiency potentially. It would be a win, win as per the success blazed in Scotland and Wales, whereby the majority of rail reopenings have exceeded expectations in social, economic and environmental gains terms. It is time for England to catch up! For futher details email - pdf articles et al and to join our email news loop.

Thursday 13 October 2022

ERTA East-West Rail Update December 2022 - updated as and when!

21-12-2022 Another diagram showing what we need to do for our rail link choice to be done, contrast nil specification on East-West Rail's Northern Route E. We want them worked up, compared and contrasted and then a local referendum to let the people decide once and for all and then all parties including ORR to work constructively at 'can do' solutions, not rote prohibitions. I know this is the season of Good Will. Some principles are common, so getting common principles right, could result in a load of appliations. It is ERTA's view that we need a nationwide plan of action to reinstate select former railways and select new builds to make the rail network more robust, more engaging and relevant for more people and goods to be sent by rail. That saves land, that reduces emissions, is good for environmental and public health and gets things done in a more sustainable fashion. Currently as a nation we are heading the wrong way from a Climate Emergency perspective. 2030 is cut off date for going beyond the bar of global climate change being irreversible. Much of Government is planning on a 2050 date, whilst greenwashing serious climate change denial, deep rooted, deeply embedded in quasi belief systems, which, if we read our Bibles carefully, does not counsel sitting back and being passive, but being alert and doing what we may for good stewardship of planet, resources, sharing and ensuring everyone has the basics for life and everything treated humanely. It is ERTA's view that local to global, so comes down to what we do in our own backyards. Will you be a part of the answer? This is your chance! 

18-12-2022 Updated and more detailed diagram!

Here is, following feedback, our submission for our ERTA preferred route option for rails east of Bedford via St John's area. Not the final word, but more detail than East-West Rail have given on their Northern Route E, which apart from a line on a map, has given us no technical breakdown detail whatsoever. Really, both route options should be worked up to a full specification with a local referendum to decide once and for all and start building it to challenge growing traffic on widening roads along the Oxbridge corridor principally via A428 and A421 for example. Rail is essential going forward and in Climate Emergency lineages, time is not on our side to get these rail-based modal choices sorted and cut emissions and associated 'bads' on the back whilst keeping the wheels turning more sustainably! We welcome support, we are not nIMBY's, we are constructively seeking to engage via our limited resources - human, skill and financial. Steep gradients and long, heavy freight does not go well, our route is on flat land and half of which was formerly the direct Bedford-Cambridge rail corridor. ORR and Government needs to adopt a more flexible and versatile approach to rail. Level Crossings aren't popular, but often is road tresspass rather than poor maintenace, likewise bridges get bashed and are not panaceas. There needs to be room for negotiation, pragmatism and keeping costs down.


I make no apology for a lion's share of an article I wrote end of August/beginning of September. Since then of course we've had 2 more Secretary of State for Transport and that latest one RT Hon Mark Harper MP remains unknown. An accountant with Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor and Rishi Sunak as PM, money, money, money seems to be their whole world and obsession. Pragmatically money matters, but if we value life at all and things beyond the mundane, then there's more to life than mere money and other values like people, communities, the environment and quality of life issues should also matter. We've gone down a path where commodification of life and privatisation for profit, still wants us to believe it offers the best prospect for value for money and service ethos with a smile. The jury is out surely. For my money, I can see some things the private sector can do admirably, others the public sector and to mix and match the two, can come unstuck.
On East-West Rail the Mayor extolls the benefits, but then insists on Northern Route E, i.e. north of Bedford. Doesn't want houses knocked down, so cramming passenger and freight extras to the existing slow lines is being insisted on as 'do able'. Our route, east of Bedford via St John's is put before these audiences and we would welcome them to pick up the phone, liaise and work at finding solutions to problems, demand it is worked up and the two route options put before the public maybe in a local referendum. It is such a crucial matter, worth getting it right. Northern Route E will have such steep gradients and demand things like pylons are relocated, our route, whilst not without challenges, is where campaigning can prove itself, not us, but bigger fry like councils, consortiums and companies working together, having appreciated the benefits  our route offers: a. flatter, b. less distance, c. probably cheaper, d. yet to identify any houses to be demolished with it and e. links East Bedfordshire with the County Town and vice versa, having recently lost the No. 73 Biggleswade-Sandy Bus link after 100 years (formerly the 176). Likewise, and note this, Route E does not offer any east-north interfacing for freight to/from the Midland Main Line North, nor do any other north-south lines being Bletchley, Bicester and Oxford. Our route does offer that as well as allowing east-west freight to bypass the busy Bedford Midland Interchange. Bedford-Northampton bus is cut back to mainly terminating at Turvey, disenfranchising Olney and onwards to Northampton. So for end-to-end commuting between these big towns, apart from the need to bypass Olney (rail), studies prior showed it would do end-to-end in 35 minutes as a Thameslink sort of operation and crucially with rails from the east via our route, takes freight to Northampton for depots and onwards to West Coast Main Line. That in turn frees up routes into, across and out of London and indeed capacity at Peterborough for example. Northern Route E makes no provision for this and is a load of cost for a straightjacket return.
Foundationally, the Government needs to switch from new roads to local rail solutions in budgetary terms. It needs to have a nationwide plan and get on with it now year-on-year. Instead of sitting on the fence to put it politely, favouring new roads is even more accurate as a description, which sends all the wrong signals.

ERTA will continue to try and get its message across, but as ever from education to proof of the pudding in the eating, delivery is still the only goal which informs more modal shift from road to rail. Thank you. Our newsletter is now out and anyone wanting a free pdf copy can send email requests to

At last there seems a groundswell of movement to actually taking a consultation around rail links east of Bedford to the places affected: 

But what ERTA would like, is for our route options on east of Bedford to be worked up and the two options set before the public once and for all so that post Public Inquiry, we can get on with a rail alternative that adds up and is cost effective, not steep gradients, but on flat former rail alignment (for part). Problems to be overcome and worked on, finding innovative solutions like Cardington Road, Priory Level Crossing and much more, not straightjacketed rigmarole based on flimsy evidence it is a lack of maintenance that endangers level crossing usage, but public need for an education programme. It needs a more pragmatic approach of what fits a given scenario and landscape. Why should a local rail solution be held back by a dogmatic insistence that bridges and tunnels or bust for rail? 

There's always more, email if you wish to discuss. May I clarify we do not want to reopen the old St John's Station as one of my colleagues mistakenly said, but use the land for putting the railway back for a triangle and a railway east of Bedford.
Our appeal to Cllr Headley, Mayor Dave Hodgson, East West Rail Company and other promoting outlets and partnerships to talk with ERTA more. Big business is backing the IDEA of a rail link, but what we need is a comparative analysis of fine detai and get the process of formal consultation, Public Inquiry and outcome to be sorted by the end of 2023. Doing projects like this for decades - 35 years I've been involved and counting! - rather than say a 5 year or bust cut off deadline, means the potential to drag on. Now, if ever, we do not have that luxury. Development is happening and critical lands are being compromised. Unless we sort this sorry tale out asap, access and lands to link with the East Coast Main Line (ECML) in and around the Tempsford area, will be lost. That is like a business doing fish and chips saying "sorry we only do fish!" Optimal links for optimal use makes more business sense and public benefit by better and more sustainable transport options? So options need to be kept open.

Meanwhile, getting the government to say 'yes' to the proposed rail bypass at Ely to enable more freight by rail, would be a winner and should be supported by all. Thus, it is our view that were Ely to have a direct link to the south off Ipswich and Norwich lines, and link to our proposed route for East-West at the ECML Tempsford area, which is code for 'south of St Neots, north of Sandy'; then Cambridge would only be for passenger use mainly. Again, both options should be worked up and put before the public. There will always be NIMBY objection whatever route/s are put before the public, always some interest or not; but for my view, speed is not everything, any railway will beat the unadulterated traffic congestion on east-west roads and junctions, so even at a minimum of 25 mph, you will get to Cambridge as a nodal point of regional reference and links to other lines, quicker than road. Dualling the A428 Black Cat Roundabout - Caxton, still leaves the fact urban roads are gridlocked now, more traffic for more volume capacity facilitation, will result in compounding a bad situation, not making it better.

Politicians love the photo opportunity to cut ribbons. But we need to be more selective. What really matters? If we save that piece of land for conservation, but ignore masses of lands where hedgerows are cut to minimum, where topsoil erosion for want of trees and other foliage is rife and where birds have nothing to eat because production and chemical spraying takes precedent, are we really being 'green' or green-washing?

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Reopen a new Northampton-Market Harborough Rail link and stations to benefit all!


Notice of Public Meeting subject to conditions of rail travel:

Details: To discuss Northampton-Market Harborough (MH) rail link being restored and accentuated others including stations, Rugby-Leicester, Magna Park and Lutterworth.

Local contact Cllr Peter James:

 ERTA Contact: Mr Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6HT T. 0208 940 4399 E.

Monday 3 October 2022

ERTA Guildford Area Transport Forum ~ Committed to seeking a reopened local Guildford-Horsham rail link. ~


17 November 2022


Press Release


ERTA Welcomes Government announcement on reopening Bristol-Portishead local rail link solution


ERTA welcomes the announcement for reopening the Bristol-Portishead local rail link solution and wishes it every success. It has been long advocated and campaigned for and yet is but one of many likewise awaiting support across the country as a whole.


ERTA calls on the government to top-slice the allocated £27 billion new roads budget and pep up or tilt the Rail Reopenings Fund which is pitted at a mere £500 million. If the switch was enacted by the government, many more local rail schemes could be advanced and rolled out offering better public transport, congestion reduction through choice, more freight off roads and back on the rails as well as reductions to emissions, pollution and land take which new roads inform.


“There should be a nationwide switch and plan to ensure every region gets similar schemes. Colne-Skipton and Woodhead in the north and Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham in the south-east and elsewhere.”


End of Press Release


Further Comment: Mr Richard Pill, ERTA Media Spokesperson:

T. 01234 330090 E.


01 November 2022
Press Release
ERTA Calls for support to reopen the local rail link between Guildford and Surrey and grasp other connectives as well.
About 7 people attended the recently held Guildford Transport Forum in Guildford and ERTA wants to consolidate support for progressing the local rail reopening between Guildford and Horsham. Lots of controversial development is happening beit new build, bypasses and the result is more road traffic. Dunsfold is another expanding area. ERTA calls on local councils to support the idea in policy terms, to protect the route from any further obstruction and round-table with neighbouring councils, agencies and Government to pool resources. We call on them to study the reopening idea with a view to progressing it to become government policy. Courting support and investment would bring benefits of footfall and spend to places like Guildford, a bigger share of visitorship, lower congestion rates. There is a need to be careful on regenerating and developing around Guildford rail station as spare land is needed for more by rail capacity. Rebuilding to Cranleigh and onwards to Horsham would enable trains to run-on to somewhere else than idle in existing through rails blocking other services. If the North Downs Line was made third rail, it would enable Guildford to be part of the Thameslink Network with a semi fast service from East Croydon in addition to existing services. The proposed Southern Heathrow rail link should be supported but extended to Old Oak Common Interchange and link on to the Chiltern Main Line. These give more options to ‘not via London and change’ for everything.
End of press release
Further comment: Mr Richard Pill 01234 330090 or

ERTA Guildford Area Transport Forum

~ Committed to seeking a reopened local Guildford-Horsham rail link. ~

Agenda for ERTA Guildford Area Forum: Saturday 29th October at The Rodboro 01483 306366 1–10 Bridge Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4RY Food* 1pm, Business 2-4pm (approximately). All Welcome. For numbers, please let Simon Barber know in advance. *Everyone is expected to pay for their own food and drink!
1.     Apologies for absence
2.     Introductions going round the table and fill in attendance list.
3.     Guildford-Horsham Rail Link: update, issues, goals setting and determine to push it pro-affirmatively through including a direct new link off North Downs Line for direct running south of East Croydon to Cranleigh and Horsham for example.
4.     North Downs Link, in a sea of third rail, surely the easiest option and enable Thameslink direct semi-fast running to Guildford and maybe on to Reading, saving changing at Redhill + new footfall and flow from visitorship off the Thameslink Network.
5.     Guildford Station and adjacent plans, land and capacity issues – plenty or not and what role could run additionally to Horsham enable?
6.     Membership, recruitment and volunteers willing to help on the projects? Rail must come first as it deals with bulk and actually helps remove congestion, pollution and emissions over all.
7.     Woking-Heathrow-Old Oak Common/tunnel to link with Chiltern Main Line and associated.
8.     Any Other Business
9.     Day Date Time and Place of next Meeting – say quarterly, same venue unless invited by others elsewhere within walk/taxi of a well-served railway station relevant to our goals.
·                     Horsham Public Meeting likely to be late April subject to funds and do-ability. Set dates today! Court sponsors and a speaker relevant to what we are seeking to nurture.
·                     Councils needed to help work up the merits, study the case and protect lands for reopening.

Meeting convenor and general information: 
Mr Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6HT T. 0208 940 4399 E.

Typical Thameslink Train these days!