Sunday 11 September 2022

ERTA Ampthill-Flitwick Transport Forum and associated news and events.

ERTA Ampthill-Flitwick Transport Forum

~ Seeking an Ampthill Parkway Station and associated issues. ~

Saturday 11th February 2023 1pm food*, 2-4pm business

Venue: The Swan Pub, 1 Dunstable Road,

Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1HP

T: 01525 754777 E:


All Welcome.


Contact and convenor: Mr Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6HT T. 0208 940 4399 E.

~ Everyone is responsible to pay for their own food and drink. ~

Background and now: This is your invite to our quarterly forum – be part of ensuring the adequacy of public transport capacity (rail), bus links and adequate lands for fostering more. Help us with shared ownership and responsibility. Triple stacking car parks solve one problem but create others. This in a context of growth of a 10-mile radius. Growth is inevitable whether on our own doorsteps or in a wider area contact beit Central Bedfordshire Unitary Council area or stretching from Milton Keynes/off the M1 to Marston Vale to Wixams arcingly and out to say the A6 Clophill/Silsoe sort of areas/A507 corridor. We have to give recognition that for many reasons people for London tend to drive south, saving money and drive-time to themselves for example. Wixams Station can deal with local residents accessing the local rail services, but will also have people bypassing Bedford Midland Railway Station (parking and congestion issues) and will land at Wixams to catch a commuter train to London or one of many destinations on that network. Also, a triple stack car park at Flitwick, will be courting a large and growing volume of traffic pitted at the twin roundabout single bridge linking east and west Flitwick, Tesco, the Station and other outlets. It is busy now, and what about better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and denting car/vehicle dependency, the ambiance of the place, getting to/from Dunstable Road and much more? Is it being driven through as political expediency or is it being thought through as to how things will be in say 5-10 years’ time? ERTA believes the time has come to look at a new relief additional railway station on the industrial site at Ampthill. Ampthill and Flitwick would both gain with relief, sharing growth and the additional footfall, spend and visitorship such a gateway could usher in reviving local bus links and serving Woburn to Wrest Park and all in between including local schools and businesses. ERTA believe an Ampthill Parkway Station could be a win, win and therefore lands need protecting east and west of the site for a railway station. Studies need to be done and build the case with courting public support. Please join us and come to the forum, have your say, debate and work constructively for a more balanced picture in Central Mid Bedfordshire area.

Available on: or via requests for the free pdf version via

We (English Regional Transport Association/ERTA) have put together within our limited resources, to highlight some key issues which we believe are local debates around planning, development growth and conserving land-take, quality of life and ambiance. It is a fact that pollution from exposure to exhaust and tyre particles harms human respiratory and other health related issues: and and Whether fossil fuel powered vehicles or electric vehicles (EVs) the one emits harmful gases to respiratory and causes other health related issues and evs of themselves may 'cure' that, but tyre particles causes harm and evs do not deal with unadulterated rising volumes of vehicle dependency and proliferation in the wake of large scale developments without alternative infrastructure like an Ampthill Parkway Railway Station may inform. To pretend otherwise is to put head-in-sand and we need to stop, think and do alternative approaches within respective powers and advocacies now. 
To keep the option of a fully working Ampthill Parkway Station, we need to:
1. Protect lands west- side of the Midland Main Line and north of Froghall Road for relocation of a few business units, parking and riding facilitation and an access road off Fordfield Road from A507 and to Centre Parcs within walking and cycling distance.
2. Club together to study the matter, make the case and court further support and funding. We need councils to be interested and supportive. We have been told lands west of Midland Main Line and north of Froghall Road Road are earmarked for housing by 2030 some time ago, so why not use this opportunity to ensure it is used for the rail-based development instead which will alleviate Flitwick and Ampthill whilst revolutionising visitorship on a sustainable basis? Greenbelt can be saved and conservation pocketed in designs more if we ensure the strategic public transport people actually use - rail and station access - is kept as and progressed as a viable option. 
3. Please appoint a liaison rep and send to our Ampthill-Flitwick Transport Forum to help us in deliberations and moving the matter forward please. We have an email loop specific to this matter and all are welcome to join it for liaison via requests to Thank you.
The future can be brighter if we get this transport matter positively handled, if we block it, refuse it or scupper it amidst development of the wrong sort without public transport infrastructure, we harm the people we purport to serve and throw away an economic source of positive input. Please don't let that happen. 
As an addendum, Biggleswade is getting enhancement following many years of campaigning and will reap benefits from that. Likewise Flitwick Rail Station is secure and getting improvements, but is land locked to cater for a lot more regional growth, unless you triple stack parking. Few want that and the roads certainly will struggle with the volumes. Ampthill Parkway Station could share the growth load and balance things out more. That is both our conviction and aspiration and we welcome you to join us in it and invest for the medium term. Thank you.

Ampthill Flitwick Forum Notes from meeting at The Swan Pub, Dunstable Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1HP 1pm food, 2m business.

Present: Colin Crawford, Simon Barber, David Ferguson, Richard Pill and Mr Stephen Anderson, Center Parcs, Woburn Forest, Fordfield Road, Millbrook, Beds. MK45 2HZ.

1.     Apologies for absence: Ms Jodie Irwin, Principal Strategic Transport Officer, Place and Communities Directorate, Cllr James Jamieson, Leonard Lean. 

2.     View of Centre Parcs: They are reviewing sustainable travel issues and only a low percentage comes by public transport, most by cars/vehicles. The resort is back at pre-covid levels and a station at Ampthill with access west-side for Fordfield Road could be handy for workers and others visiting the centre, giving more options. It was suggested that an arcing bus from Milton Keynes Railway Station (West Coast Main Line) – Ridgmont (to be part of East-West Rail (Oxford-Bedford) and Flitwick (Thameslink/Midland Main Line to principal cities, airports and Eurostar could become a winner.
3.     The case for the new Ampthill Parkway Station: Ampthill is an important addendum attached to the area, but the Parkway Station would serve a much wider and diverse area. Currently commuters come to Flitwick from Milton Keynes, M1, A507, Marston Vale, Ampthill-Flitwick conurbations and out to the east to and from the A6 catchments. It was noted that people tend to London commute – drive southwards for private space and to save on cost. Thus 36, 000 South Bedford + 18, 000 upwards.
4.     Background and arguments:
Kempston would drive south to the new two-platformed Wixams Station, but all at Wixams and south would continue to Flitwick. Flitwick is land-development locked-in and so unless they triple stack the car park (blight) there is not a lot of expansion potential. Moreover, the increasing all-day volume of traffic centred on just one bridge spanning the railway is a major pinch-point and congestion in all directions with local residential conflict and objection will only get worse. The overall volume of traffic, station apart is up. It would be a nice thing to have a bridge zebra crossing to enable safer and easier access from station to The Swan Pub (accessibility) especially for disabled people. Current arrangements are lack-lustre and inadequate. In 2004 Ampthill Town Council paid for a outline pre-study by Scott Handley Partnership which indicated you could slot a station into the busy and frequent timetable. More Ampthill background can be found on our Publications site:
Wixams and Ampthill could coincide together without conflict as of 5 trains per hour, even twice hourly stopping at Ampthill would be a benefit and the London-Corby electric trains could also make a stop (a few). As for close proximity stations, Luton and Luton Airport Parkway are closer than Ampthill – Flitwick gap and a Thameslink Train at approximately 70mph took all of 37 second between old Ampthill site and Flitwick. If we add 5 minutes to calling at an Ampthill Parkway Station ‘all in’ do the gains as a relief station in a context of growth make that sacrifice worth it for greater gains on and off the railway? Ampthill has walking, cycling and bus + vehicle access/parking + kudos of being on the national railway map and the marketing potential of weekend breaks and visitorship close and easier is something for a wider area to benefit from surely? Woburn to the west, Wrest Park to the east.
5.     Taking it forward:
a.     Simon and Colin to have an exploratory meeting with Ms Jodie Irwin, Principal Strategic Transport Officer, Place and Communities Directorate and to try and see what scope for working with the council in taking it forward planning, case making, building support, bringing key land owners and others together to our forum meeting and/or elsewhere. Given we were told the Paddocks west of the Midland Main Line and North of Froghall Road were to be developed by 2030, time is running out to salvage a road link off Ford Field Road for the station, space for a 100 car park and exiting/access to the 2 slow line platforms (see Wixams model for detail of design) and possible relocation to the west for some immediate industrial outlets to enable east-side access to a small booking hall, ticketing booths and maybe a coffee lounge and toilet facility and maybe a click-send, click receive parcels facility?  
b.     Decided to meeting Flitwick the Swan Pub for time being. This and June 2023 date for next meeting would be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Ideally local people would warm and adopt the idea and advocate it informing a small team. Alas we do not have that, so more leafleting is required with a message which strikes the right tone.
c.      Colin and Simon to have a meeting with Cllr Mark Smith – Ampthill Town Councillor, Central Beds Councillor, Bedford Voluntary Bureau Officer and key orchestrator of objections to plans to development across Central Bedfordshire. The station would make any development – which is happening regardless of infrastructure now – more sustainable and manageable surely?
d.     Richard to produce a new flyer/pamphlet but needs help with Speed, Distance, Time Calculations/more volunteers generally. Meeting finished 14.40pm.

All enquiries via Offers to help are welcome please. You don't have to be just a local either!

See our website publications page for more: 


Thursday 8 September 2022

Transport Reality - what for rail choices? TfSE needs a reality check


Please do a meeting and try and win over to what we wish for - namely Guildford-Horsham and Shoreham + Polegate-Stone Cross or variants thereof. 
This is appalling if we take a Climate Emergency seriously. 
They should be coming forward incorporating our rail-based solutions and delivery mapping in a timely manner 2030 not 2050!
People can join ERTA and swell our active ranks. People can write to their MP's, any 5+ letters and they are mandated to act apparently and join our Guildford Forum on Saturday 29th October 1pm at the Rodborough:
If you want more and better, join us, help us, offer to serve and assist. It can be done if we can get enough reliable people involved, holding councils and candidates to account - what can THEY DO? They need to audit the blockages and find/study solutions. They need to pool agencies, other councils and tap into grants to invest in case-making studies to take the projects to next stages of Network Rail's GRIP and DfT Reopen Railways Grants to advance the candidacy and have development policies tailored to inform pro-affirma re-railing. I don't under-estimate the challenges, but do also feel alongside that, the problems conceived or actual can be seen as a looming shadow, when the reality is more straight-forward and less daunting.
Please give us your support:
Electrification of the North Downs Line would bring footfall and spend to Guildford from South London/East Croydon by a direct Thameslink inclusion semi fast, leaving interim stations for the Reading-Gatwick shuttle to serve, which - given the sea of third rail - should be pragmatically done as an infill engineering rectification for efficiency, not debates and no action on hydrogen, greening or default status, unsatisfactory quo. Likewise, Guildford Station - we get mixed feeds of 'loads of spare capacity' and 'lacks capacity for more services'. Which is it? But in any case, the restored rail link to Horsham would enable a train to deliver and off-load, run onto somewhere else, clearing the platforms for other services. Currently, coming in, unless you're heading North Downs or Portsmouth, standing idle at Guildford blocks that other access. More land, more sidings, more reopenings is the way to go if rail market share is to increase, reducing congestion. More roads just deliver more congestion, pollution and harms the public. Food for thought! But there's big money and influence at every level and so the log-jam of people having more alternative choices needs breaking and enabling choice more and people to walk free of locked-in dependency, however luring.